Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where To Buy Leather Braceletsfrom Disneyland

If you drink alcohol

in cigarette packets are forced to warn consumers about the danger in excessive consumption of this product ...
The government is considering issuing a law to warn consumers of alcoholic beverages by danger to his heavy drinking, the legends are the following proposals:

WARNING: Consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of dance as shallow.

> WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that their ex-girlfriends are really desperate and you want the phone call at three in the morning.

> WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when this shouting wildly and spitting in the face.

> WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think that is an expert in Kung Fu.

> WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you in the morning look at the other side of the bed and see something really scary (whose name and / or species can not remember.)

> WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that is strong, smart and better looking than a really big nicknamed "butchered"

> WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that it is invisible and that nobody sees it ... or it can penetrate walls or test the hardness of the same punches.

> WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may actually CAUSE pregnancy.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Oakley New Razor Blades

The front page of today in Diario Libre caught my attention. According to data Report Memoirs 2008-2010 "of the National District Attorney's Office, from 56.983 complaints in neighborhoods, 22.9% were violence against women. Imagine the magnitude of the problem and that this figure corresponds to only a part of reality for thousands of women are silent. Reasons: comfort, fear, denial, "which is the father of your children," hope for change, economic reasons and many more.

only think intelligent women, beautiful, self-prepared and follow the side of these animals is something beyond our comprehension, but nothing more real. I lived and I could only leave the relationship after years of pain and anguish. At this time, almost 5 years later my separation, I can talk without so much rage in my crusade to improve decided to seek help.

For homework in my therapy was to buy a book, it talks about 3 types of men and helps identify the profile of the man who abuses you. Summarize only that I'm concerned "The inevitable" I tell you input the book offers no solutions and promises of change, before the man with the characteristics which I will detail below only say: "Get to safety, you can save your life. " Hard, honest, exaggerated and incomprehensible, but real. Here I describe some of its features:

1) is being violent, gun always a fight in public places and driving with other drivers, is violent even with animals.

2) It is extremely dishonest and always lies for you.

3) is charming, very manipulative, often insists been renovated and even used as a means of manipulation therapy, which is even more dangerous as he learns to use those techniques against their partner. Usually decides to join groups where they are supposed to be honest.

4) Drink and drug use.

5) Use non-physical forms of subjugation as insults and contempt.

6) In the house you have to walk to "lead foot", this is the feeling that we must be careful to not get angry. Oh surprise! no There is nothing you can do to make him angry, it's just a way to pressure and,

7) you away more and more of your friends and family. Things are made to its shape and time. Decisions (even domestic) are taken by the aggressor.

As indicated above, the author does not offer a solution, according to studies and years of therapy to groups of men, she concludes that a man of this nature does not change. What happens is that domestic violence is cyclical and generally makes the situation calm down the aggressor can be jail or that his wife leave him.

bought my book on the internet, but did not know it was my test. In my Psychologist women are supposedly seeking help decide not to buy, use excuses like "not found", "I had no money to buy it," I could not read it "she says many women do crisis to realize their dreams of turn the frog into a prince charming are totally unfounded. She was astonished when he saw that no one had bought it but read and made the entries. He congratulated me. Then I said happily: "I'm sure you want to heal"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hyperintense Lesion Causes


For me, patience is a gift, is a divine gift given to only the purest souls, I happened to very little. And I say that I had very little in distribution was done in my genetic code because I've definitely had to develop my little aptitude / attitude to be patient.

Waiting for results of the evaluation of my daughters in the new school had a mortal stress, but I just remained patient. The second I like days, was hopeless. My family and friends of anguish "S" and Rosita I repeated over and over again to be patient. Wow! patience, patience, patience. Everything went well although my stomach was permanently affected.

This morning I decided to write about patience and something happened which led me to an amazing discovery. Years ago I planted the seed and is already bearing fruit, my motto of "one day at a time" is the result of my first harvest. It has long been that despair does not lead to anything good, I feel anxiety when I close my eyes and I start to pray, do not give hasty answers and try not to judge a priori to others. I insist on that deal!! I am a human being.

Coincidentally the first call of the morning was from my ex-husband called to tell me the correct way to take care of my daughters. Mysteriously I heard, I went along and even gave him the right, at another time would have sung her happy birthday (including couple of bad words from my extensive repertoire), I would have got in my face many times and have neglected the understood that I was criticizing the only thing as I do to perfection: Being a mom. To complete phone would have ended badly.

not have patience has affected me in all levels of my life, the lack of it is that one day I was editing my daughters bad shape, judging from my parents, find unnerving the slowness of my grandmother. I did not know how to wait to spend more than they could and should solve the problems in my house instead of allowing everyone to fulfill their responsibilities. Not being patient has made me swear, lie, get many inner demons and operate a thousand times painfully. Today I have

regret many things that are impossible to solve me this moment, I clarified to wait and see irlas solving one by one, as I can. The good news is that the time is a hectic pace, but I passed forbid, the world keeps turning without thinking about stopping, then miracles occur, reach solutions, pass the anger, it starts to rain and water confused with the tears, the pains vanish, ending the quest of the day and the sky turns all night though.

I still have a lot. I can hardly help thinking that the office, my home, my daughters will collapse if I'm not, I find much to sit quietly in the living room and let myself be pampered, soft music bothers me (ironic, no?), I feel useless but I have the right answer, I have anger with situations that should be and is it me who is responsible for driving me.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, dawn desire to start my day and not my despair The sun rises earlier. No hurry.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Do Guys Masterbate Storys

Wisdom giving

An old man had a lake on his farm.

After a long time, decides to see if everything was in order.
took a basket to take advantage of the walk and bring some fruit along the road.
As you approach the lake, animated voices heard. Vio
a group of women bathing fully nude.

Seeing all went to the deepest part of the lake,
keeping only his head above water.

One woman shouted:
- We will not leave while you are away!

The old man replied:
- I do not come to see them go nude swimming or lake!

Lifting the basket, he said,

- only came to feed the crocodile ...

via mail

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ume-36 Pro How To Update

I have some children, my maternal instinct is so strong that whenever I am related to a person much younger than me asking me for advice and see me as their mother. The last one I had left Germany happy forever grateful to have a false overprotective and loving mother.

Now it was the turn of my little "S", she only has 19 years, but has a remarkable maturity. With it I can talk for hours, listening to their amorous misadventures, movies, talk about books, dieting, and teach a recipe chat via telephone. To my happiness, she considers the most.

I, personally, I appreciate that I listen without judging me, but that's one of the hardest things in the world, people tend to listen, to provide feedback, tell you exactly what to do and the way you out in your face as you did years ago recalcandote you did very poorly, the labels will stick together and often no matter what you do always have. With my new daughter false've learned that not only for me that is important and that when she speaks to me and tell me their stories, my face must remain motionless and emotionless, nothing can change or surprise, I must judge or evaluate the facts, never to him. I tell you some things surprised me and shocked but so far have kept his composure after the story ends, I have my turn to speak and say what I think. This dynamic has fallen truly good for both.

Earlier today I said that God sent to teach a valuable lesson, your opinion is very important to me and I know what you learn with it will help me to be a better parent with my real daughter. The lack of communication with his own mother brings anguish and sadness, I make it a sharer in his life but it seems the generational gap is wide between them.

What I can do?; Do I do?; What should I do?.

Many questions, few answers (I do not know). Move on.

I know I read my precious doll, fake your mommy loves you just as you are not faint nor falter, keep your STANDARDS top, happy lives being a woman, enjoy your years, not ever think your life and your happiness depend another person, crazy love, knows the world, enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, you, sing, dance, read, laugh a lot about yourself and please forward this message to the next generation.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Royal Family German Surname

Modern Wedding!

vegetating in my bed, through channels and watching a little of everything, I ran into a canal where they spent a social activity, a wedding. The bride danced about wildly, with extremedamente provocative and sensual movements, her boyfriend looked almost morbid fascination, he looked, rather, to the satisfaction of seeing her happy.

After that I have paid attention to the ads and social programs that pass the events and took my own conclusions.

My grandmother married in America a thousand years or so, she met my grandfather Joseph very little. She tells me it used to look through a window or from the gallery when pretending to sweep home. Control of my great-grandfather was tight, the stage of dating do not think it has gone from a few stolen kisses and agarradita hands.

My aunts ran a fortune seemed. My mother, being the lowest, meanwhile, had a more open engagement, could afford the luxury of knowing my father, novizago treat and carry a more or less normal. In those days was very frowned upon "fuck provided" as she insists that she married a virgin and I have no reason to doubt it. But think of the wedding of our grandparents and previous generations.

imagine their wedding day. I imagine the nervousness and anxiety, also ignorance to imagine they were immersed because they never had more than the information you could give her friends, the more daring, and in other cases, within their own ignorance, his sisters already married.

I imagine that their wedding was a torture, in a few hours would be the obligation of their likely prey very inexperienced husband, many brides were returned because they did not bleed or because they proved to have fewer inhibitions than allowed. I guess the instructions not to scream, move or look experienced. Ask pleasure was a sin of enormous proportions.

imagine the fiasco that took some "This is all ????"," As a lifetime ????", unsatisfactory having sex with one man, a whole life without knowing that there something else. They had a chance to try before you buy, the result was, go ahead and put that issue aside, sexual life ended at a very early time for women. Although years have passed, it is estimated that even today millions of women have never had an orgasm. Looking at the positive

of modernity, women can now afford to meet the man sexually before marriage, both have the privilege, but also imagine the torture it must have been waiting years for men and then finding a piece of iceberg in his bed.

I totally agree with premarital sex, try to teach my daughters moral values \u200b\u200band who can bide his time in terms of maturity not to cling to the idea of \u200b\u200bprince charming which tarnish and will stay with them forever, being a virgin is a mental attitude is not good or bad it is before or then one must wait for their time and do it. That test, examine, discover, because if it is true that marriage has thousands of elements that make successful, sex is an important one.

I think that weddings today are much more romantic, you marry someone who not only love but is supposed to be compatible with you in bed, there is no hurry to leave the wedding with the looks and comments out of tune of men on the face of anxiety the new spouse, or of women to the nervousness of the bride. Can now enjoy a memorable day, be happy memories, drink, enjoy, dance, live your wedding, eating cake, get to the hotel and the luxury of simply lying down to sleep, there's no hurry, total will be a night like many others already lived. I agree, I should be, pensadolo well, I have no choice.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sasuke X Sakura Doujinshi

new August / September July

receive information on readings, presentations, competitions, workshops, etc.. Send us an email or post here in the comments. They may take as long to be published because they are approved in advance. Thank you very much.

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Brief presentation by Marcos Ibarra to 45rpm.
MOJO45 Party 45s. Space Guambia 20:30 pm September 24
Guambia Space directed by legendary (legendary for its reality) Antonio Dabezies, one of the key pieces in the Nursing Care Process and support changes in national artistic culture. Inés

Trabal, doctor, artist, poet, who has developed a form of poetry that rank among the most relevant production current. She held a public reading mode very personal and according to his writing and editing their book-object.

Maca, (Gustavo Wojciechowski), one of the most important responsibility of all the change in publishing of books from their publishing projects such as the current YAUGURU. Not only because of concern regarding formats for the purpose book, but by their organization in the book chain, most young writers (young and modality, especially poets), and its ability to resolve issues with acceptable costs and never conventional, which enable many to publish. In addition, artist, teacher, graphic designer who was recently awarded in Argentina in recognition of his career. And colemos an accusation of not less than the national silence on this matter.

Luis Bravo, poet, teacher, international man by his frequent presence as a poet in several countries. He worked on the poetic word as object, enhancing the sound capabilities, arguing from a meta-meaning of the word, which is found on your way to be told. His proposal to present at the Mojo, is "YIN_YAN" and accompanying Alejandro Tuana and Perezvila (visual art). Bravo L. More data on (among other places): / index.htm

MONDOROCKO, which brings together poets and musicians who have been standing on pillars and concerning the attachment of the new productions in poetry, with which they came. There are Victor Cunha, Tabaré Rivero, Guillermo Baltar, Claudio Fabian Echandía Burguez and offering a tour of the declared love poetry in the 60s rock, common place where there was almost around the spirit of change in art in general .

Isabel Gallo, poet, teacher, co-designer of magazines such as Alter, proofreader tenacious wife of a permanent presence in the reading circuit, excellent filmmaker performaces that integrate production with high rank poetic nuance histrionic representation. The proposal will provide us with the group Satrapi (Alejandra Maranges, Emilio Vairo, Claudio Vela, Isabel Gallo), is called "Medieval Fusion" and will focus on the Middle Ages as a setting or pretext includes poetry, music, acting, dance, singing, a project originally conceived as "street theater." Gallo I. More details at: FACEBOOK
, isabel

cock Mariana Figueroa, singer-songwriter with guitar and harmonica that is reminiscent of Bob Dylan, Eduardo Darnauchans, Violeta Parra, Joan Baez and generally ballad with poetic text. Woman singing on the bus, fabulous presence on stage, which will be accompanied by Guitar: Emilio Vairo, Percussion: El Zorro. Omar

Tagore, poet, musician, crooner, songwriter of the poetic texts that add musical discourse with the imprint of the best balladeers and accompany singers.Lo flok: Electric Guitar: Rodrigo Gambetta, Bass: Luis Montemurro, Percussion: Miguel Angel Márquez. Tagore O. More details at: / otagore

Gustavo Fernandez, artist, teacher, poet, musician, we present his latest production of his own tangos. Artist of high rank in production and distribution, radio and television journalist. More information at:
FACEBOOK, gustavo adolfo fernandez cabrera

Patricia Marino (with 3 Tigers), handwriting, contemporary dance teacher, poet, artisan, women of this time showing some of his texts that contain one of the keys Current write mode.

Raquel Diana (with 3 Tigers), professor of philosophy, political woman and ideas that move the world, actress, theater director, playwright, poet, in short, expressive genius, total diva, captivating reader.

Marcos Ibarra (with 3 Tigers), no data of this character. Must be a cast.

Martín Barea, cultural manager, more timely poet, performer and musician who developed his proposal on the basis of a representation format that is changing in each set. Usually integrated with other artists in this form of "change" in its proposal. You can go (very sure) that ultimately can not attend the Mojo45 to have to be special guest in Colombia in an exhibition of writers and cultural managers. The

Chancha (John Bervejillo & Company), a national classic rock band. Be submitted in one of their acoustic formats, most recent method being adopted. Is the band that closes, honey and gall to end the mojo. Driving

Mojo45 general, Jorge Bonelli director of 45rpm
poster designer and webmaster, Claudio Setaro
Event Manager, Leo Flamia
With mojo like this away any pests, which will cost you blue!

This activity is supported by the Free Area.

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Storytellers, playwrights and poets from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay
begins on 28 September the V Meeting of Deeds
Reviews Conference in East

Twenty four writers Latin American countries will meet in Maldonado for five days. Are invited to the fifth annual meeting of Scripture, the word that yes, to be held from 28 September to 2 October.
They are storytellers, playwrights and poets from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Activities, including lectures, readings, panel discussions and debates take place at the Biblioteca José Artigas, the Regional Centre for Teachers of the East, the Liceo Departamental, and high schools 2 and 5 of the city of Maldonado.

Parallel Sessions will take place to find reviews with the participation of specialists from Brazil and Uruguay.

Guests at the meeting are, from Argentina poets Stephen Moore, Olga and Paul Makovsky Lonardi, Buenos Aires, and Rosario Gualeguaychú respectively, plus the narrator Cordoba Luciano Lamberti.

From Brazil come the poet Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna, the narrator Aldyr Garcia Schlee and author of Children's Literature Marina Colasanti.

Chile's representation will be in charge of the narrator and Eugenia Prado Flavia Radrigán playwright.

By attending the poet Paraguay Montserrat Álvarez.

Uruguayan representation will consist of Claudia Amengual, Cavallo and Rodolfo Horacio Santullo, storytellers Montevideo, Gustavo Wojciechowski, and Roberto López Belloso, poets, also in the capital, Daniel Baldi, Mali Guzmán and Sergio Lopez of Literature for Children and Youth, Montevideo , Eduardo Raphael Ficher (Rivera), Fabian Severo (Artigas), Juan Carlos Alvarado (Skip), Leonardo de Leon (Mines) and Mario Aiello (Young).

For the department will be present Alfonso Larrea Maldonado, Ignacio Fernández de Palleja and Ricardo Figueredo.

Finally, participate in the conference Reviews Denise Almeida (Brazil), and Uruguayan Gabriel Calderon, Graciela Shields, Hebert Pezzolano Benítez, Lauro Roberto Maraud and Appratto.

The V Meeting of Scripture is organized by the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Maldonado and Literature Department of the Faculty Center of the East Regional. Supported the Department of National Literature in Education Training Council, and the auspices of the National Culture MEC. Additional information

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SHHH! Text and music writer
Every Sunday in the Living (Paullier and Prato) - 21 hours -
Invites: COM.PRO.PER. (Commission for the loss)


Sunday 19 September 2010 - Chapter XXVI


Guillermo Baltar Prendez (poetry)
William Johnston (poetry)

touches: Ismael Collazo

Sunday 26 September 2010 - Chapter XXVII

read: Horacio

Cavallo (poetry)
Marcelo Silveira (poetry)

play and read:

Mark Barcellos, Barcellos Santiago (text) with
Diego Dam (vocals, guitar) (from Buceso Invisible)

Sunday October 3, 2010 - Chapter XXVIII


Olga Leiva (poetry) Dani
Umpi (poetry)

plays: Kramer


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Call for unpublished poets national



Organizing Yours Gusto, a meeting of Latin American poetry, is pleased to invite seven poets that really exist and are unpublished to participate in poetry readings take place in Montevideo and Freedom, between days 1, 2,3 and 4 December 2010.

The encounter planted a forum for reflection on the activity of writing through its various expressions written, oral and performing arts. For this propose different activities in order to produce a recognition among the different actors in the regional literary scene. We propose a live and direct dialogue between the work of unpublished writers with established writers, with other national writers from the rest of Latin America. Chasing the activation of four central elements: thinking, updating, reading, discourse and decentralization platform.

confident that the contact between family writers and inconceivable to generate new dynamics of movement and post-oral metatextual. Yours Gusto thus aims to democratize access to national and Latin American poetry today by the congregation, in a free public instance of emerging poets with poets dedicated their poems to be audible from any region of the galaxy.

The deadline is 30 September 2010.

Bases and form downloads

The seven poets interested in participating in the readings should write to taste yours including the following content evidence:

Work Registration Form (up to 5 pages)
jury vote external (name)

Contact: /

099 62 92 15 / 098 67 54 25

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Yours Taste The organization, meeting Latin American poetry, is pleased to invite seven poets that really exist and are unpublished to participate in poetry readings take place in Montevideo and freedom, between the 1,2,3 and 4 December 2010.

confident that Family contact between writers and inconceivable to
generate new dynamics of movement and post-oral metatextual. Yours Gusto thus aims to democratize access to national and Latin American poetry today by the congregation, in a free public instance of emerging poets with poets dedicated their poems to be audible from any region of the galaxy.

To the above is compounded by the existence of Seven Poets benevolent unpublished Taste You, with the width of your heart, will be searching all over the country, now and for a period of a month.
The deadline is 30 September 2010.

unpublished poets (this world) interested in participating in the readings should write to taste yours producció content including the following evidence:

1. Registration Form

2. Work (up to 5 pages)

3. Jury vote external (name)

recognize only way that you are a real poets

Interested parties may download the website the acknowledgment form (registration). The same will consider the following requirements:

1 - Data
2 - Biographical

3 - Description of the writing project

4 - Work (five sided)
The organizing committee will select your own taste in the light of points 2, 3 and 4. Emphasis will be placed in the argument of writing project by the Royal Poet.

The jury will be composed of one representative of Taste You, a guest judge and a jury whose vote attached external participants along with the registration form. The file will be named the word VOTE.

form submission, new material and jury vote:





Editorial Mental presents

Thursday 5 August 21:00 pm Round - 1183 Citadel

Bagrejaponés is a non-existence. A superb book. Inconsequential. Fascist. The old story of the intrepid student and teacher sissy. Should there be radical disease to become lucid? This is a start.

can be launched at different levels:

1) Paranoia

2) The indifference

3) Open a door just to make sure that no one is there.

We are all guilty of it. Ergo.

Olga Leiva (Lund, 1981)

born to travel and write. Anthologies of poetry published in Uruguay and Paraguay and Sweden. In December 2007 he took part in art and design shows organized by the MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) with the work Pizarnik where he researches the intersection of poetry and textile art. From 2008 he participated in several meetings readings and performances in art circuit montevideo, to emphasize: the experimental poetry meeting organized by the mechanical work with no one came by chance, which investigates the poem collage, in the bowling event on August, organized by the MEC where he reads his poem unpublished book fire, in museums at night, organized by the MEC which makes a performative reading of his book of cards unpublished nobody came by chance in toll grounded in the mouth that is also a multidisciplinary research that melts the plastic, collage and poetry. Since there is assumed to be cranky and start living in the building of the pyramid. From there he wrote and published The Language of the Wind (catafixia, Guatemala, 2010) and begins to work at sensible speed at the Meeting of Latin American poetry Taste to be held in Montevideo yours this year.

Diego de Avila (Maldonado, 1984)

He settled in Montevideo in 2002. He was part of group charge of the project "Milcuernos" literary monthly free distribution (2002-2004, 29 issues) and ". txt, recent writing Rio de la Plata" work distributed by email to massively support under Blog (2006 - 2007, 11 issues). Between 2007-2009 is devoted to the monastic life and wrote books that nobody reads. On July 15, 2008 dies of loneliness. It is assumed addict and sinful. Wrote the unpublished books "Invocations off" (2004), "the fisherman's face is a poem (poetry teen)" (2008-09) and "Piedra del sol de noche" (2010). Participated in various artistic groups and organized and coordinated the annual meetings of various artists "Etcetera", presented in 2004 at the National Library. Without it there would be no Japanese catfish. Alex

piperno (Montevideo, 1985)

Since 2006 studied film in Buenos Aires. Directed the short of three bodies as an excuse to cover the body of a woman with meat. His works were published in different Latin American countries, U.S., Spain and Holland. Published confirmation of Paradise (MEC Annual Award Citation, Artefatos, 2007). Published Sahara (author's edition, Buenos Aires, 2009, Fuga, Santiago de Chile, 2009; catafixia, Guatemala, 2010). Participated in the Ibero-American Poetry of the air Vertigo (Mexico, 2009) and fell in love with everything. Preparing the forthcoming publication of Maschwitz (competitive funds, Trilce, 2010). Co-coordinating the emotional blog Elections Uruguay. Still in love. Santiago

marquez (Montevideo 1986)

In Montevideo (are?) The three numbers of the fanzine. Earthquake Three of the magazine GOL, which could not be photocopied. Altalcurnia organ, which could not be photocopied. He worked in the magazine and cofounded the Own Caracú Cartonera. It's in the book ship Solar Cartonerita leathers. There is also a book network in the wild poets, the collection PrVaLbPiA SILICON box, came out in Montevideo in noviembrte / December 2009. Perrodementa is the musical project, embedded in Operr. Operr can be taken as the name of the entire writing project (Ney). In their blogs can be accessed via links to all the books [perceived and about] and also songs, videos, paintings he did. Food studies. Really want to be a chef. He is the creator of the ferment of orange and honey called Kaesar, free format. Manuel

districts (Montevideo, 1983)

He enjoys writing and speaking. Explanans published (2007, Ed Zign, Lima), Democracy (2007, Linardi Ed Risso, Montevideo), Coagula (Network of wild poets, DF 2009). Competitive Funds won the MEC, 2007, in his book Democracy. Prozac worked with the Quartet Scenic Area as an alternative to the language of the market. Thanks to this might make Democracy 1984 (Platform-MEC, 2008), and Prozac Sale (House of the Seven Winds 2009). With the group of poets Si published a collection of books without a country with four other poets better than him. He has presented his work at various festivals as Poquita Fe (Santiago de Chile), and Imaginary Country (Lima). His writings have appeared in Mexico, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela. He currently writes for The Daily memorandums and attempts teach Literature and Literary Theory. His friends want. By December of this year prepared with Olga Leiva and Itzel Ibargoyen the Meeting of Latin American poetry Gusto Yours.

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OF 4 TO 7 AUGUST 2010

In its edition of Montevideo, organized by the factory and the Cultural Center of Spain, the Jan America Festival will bring together more than 100 writers, artists , editors, and Latin American musicians to talk about books and to give prominence both these and the readers. While the epicenter of authentic literary earthquake was located here at the Cultural Center of Spain in Montevideo, there will be other areas to enjoy the arts alive. Jan Festival has the support of the AECI and the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid.

Schedule of activities here.

SOLIS THEATRE AUDITORIUM Wednesday through Friday from 18: 30 to 20: 30 HS. FREE ENTRY


(the concerts are held between 18: 30 and 20: 30 pm. )



JESUS \u200b\u200bMORAES




Vicente Molina Foix











Leonardo de Mello Omar


Roberto Echevarria APPRATTO


Clement Ines TRABAL






Isabel DE LA Recording


Claudio Marquez Jimena de Souza



Viernes 6 de August


Diego de Avila

Isabel DE Tezano

therein Catch

Olga Leiva


Magali Marquez JORAJURIA

VICTOR Guichon

Adolfo Sarmiento



Artur CAR





Mayra Ibarra


TANGO Villers (Rizzo & Ernesto Andrés Toro)