of fighting with his last girlfriend, a man decided to go on holiday to forget the trauma of the fight. It was a cruise on the Pacific Ocean and passed it fabulous ... until the ship sank.
unable to reach a desert island. There was nothing, only bananas and coconuts. After 4 months, sat on the beach when he sees a small boat rowing on the most beautiful woman in the world. The man can not believe it and asks:
Where did you come? How did you get here?
- She replies: "I rowed from the other side of the island. Shipwrecked here when it sank the cruiser where he went on vacation three years ago.
The dialogue continues ...
- How amazing! How lucky you had a boat led you to the coast!
- Oh, is this boat? I made this pot with raw materials of the island. The oars were made of tree branches. I wove the bottom of the boat with palm leaves and the sides of the boat were made of rubber trees with overlapping leaves. The two ends are coated with eucalyptus leaves
- But where to find the tools?
Ah, that was no problem. On the south side of the island is a very unusual strata of alluvial rock is exposed. The shredded and burned the pieces to a certain temperature in a clay oven that I did. It became a kind of ductile iron and that I used to make tools. The guy is amazed.
- How about if we paddled back to my house?, She says.
After paddling for a while, come to a small jetty. Man can not believe your eyes. Before him is a path made of smooth stones that reach a beautiful bungalow painted in blue and white. As they walk toward the house, she says,
- It is no big deal, but I call 'my home'. Please sit. What am I drinking?
- No, thanks. Not bear having to make coconut juice again. That's all I drank in all these months, not anymore.
- Ah, but that's not coconut juice. I made a small distillery produce alcohol. Would not you like a pina colada?
Trying to hide his utter amazement, the man accepts and they sit and talk. After having chatted for a while and have told their stories, she says,
- I'm going to cool a little and get something more comfortable. To you I would like to take a shower and shave? There is a shaver in the bathroom cabinet.
At this point the man did not question anything. Go to the bathroom and finds a very sharp knife made of bone turtle with a swivel mechanism. The man thinks: "This woman is INCREDIBLE. What else will have to be surprised?
Returning to the room, found a woman wearing only with grape leaves placed in strategic locations and smelling perfume of gardenias. She asks to sit by his side.
- "Tell me," she says very suggestive and almost throwing it over, "We have been shipwrecked for many months. You've been very lonely. I'm sure there must be something you want to do immediately, RIGHT NOW ... you missed SOMETHING DESPERATELY ... is not it?
She looks directly into his eyes while flashing. The swallows excitedly and tears start to fall you down his cheeks as he says ....
-No shit ... NOT ME say that you also have "DIRECT TV" TO SEE THE WORLD!
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