While I understand that patience is a gift, silence is the greatest manifestation of spiritual growth. Learn to be silent in situations that warrant but despair is, for me, an act of courage that can only achieve the monks of the highest knowledge of the control of body and mind. Not if your subconscious is put to recite bad words (I assume it did) but not external deserve my admiration.
Every day I promise myself I will not talk for more, no feelings externaré phrases of which the end of my day I feel sorry, be quiet giving reason to the fool who insists on wanting to get me out of my boxes or make any stupid act and hopes that it held.
is a struggle of titanic proportions for a loose mouth, foul-mouthed as I but is also an exercise in tolerance and understanding, sometimes I sit and think that the days are an obstacle course you have to go save one by one.
not want to talk, indifference?? I think so. Viewing and silent against injustice is more than an act of cowardice but a single voice is never a chorus and a scream in the silence only broken the peace of others.
is better to just talk when you have something beautiful to say.
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