The other day I read something I sent to my mail, but lately I give him a "delete" mail, I decided to read this. The mail was, with very nice pictures on the times of storm and the message I got too deep. Some time ago I also read another message from that day has become not abandon thoughts in my life. But maybe I'll tell you.
The oldest message was about the kids, he gave a message in parables, as they say Jesus spoke. Told the story of a father grabbed his son who was about to fall off a precipice, placed to reflect on what we do at that time alone with a small question: If your child is about to fall you do, grab loose stronger or fingers? I think the answer is obvious, as a mother would grab much stronger.
My daughter Alexia is quite distracted, says he does not understand the teacher, who does not understand the books do not understand anything. It really is very little applied in their studies, as a result their grades were so low that, for me, I would have to repeat the grade. Honestly I must admit that I have a share of responsibility for this, many times I get so tired I do not want to fight or build a homework problem, just ask them if they did it and understood to be trusted. Mala mia!! His notebooks were a disaster.
After tearful exit of the last delivery of letters I decided to take the bull by the horns and from that day, I arrive at work and without taking even the high and uncomfortable shoes I'm with her to the table and one by one we reviewed the notebooks, review the tasks and clarify misunderstandings. He returned to study colonization, Metals, Adjectives. Alexia protest, complain, cry, fight, I repeat a thousand times does the same thing but I remember whenever I get stronger, do not let go and drop off the cliff. It breaks my heart when she hears her friends playing outside and he wants to leave, but I can not give up but will die.
result of my grips has improved in almost 80% notes. He is happy and satisfied that his mom has strong hands and cling fiercely to their salvation.
The new message was about a snowstorm on a driver who drove slowly down the slippery road and suddenly as the storm rages and he can not see more than a few inches in front of him. I'm just the remedy to park on one side and hope the storm passed. At the end arrived safely home.
The moral of the story is that in times of storm, we must be patient, wait for God's quiet things compose. Nothing to hurry fruition.
Years ago when my marriage I decided to leave the snow would not let me see the road, the pain and denial hindered my moments of lucidity. Only when I decided to leave the reins to God and the people he sent to rescue me when I waited, when I was very patient, the light began to come into my life. Many times encrudeció storm, but taking account always beneficial to have quiet and wait.
I will never forget this teaching and in front before the flakes are bigger and stronger the wind blows, I will take a break from the road, these yes, always holding strong to my 3 fleas!! !
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