few days ago I received a mail from an acquaintance of La Vega, told me how difficult the situation of the family business, how hard it was and they were about to lose everything. I said identifying with them and saying it's a shame that a business of honest working people went under, nearly I blamed the government.
The family is concerned is precious, as descendants of Europeans have some kids that look like magazine cover, her husband (after many stumble) joined the religious life and are now well-matched marriage. To me, this family had a very good economic position, their clothes, their phones, their homes, their vehicles, all denote prosperity.
solving a problem I met with the company he worked, since then I suggest going through the problems in your business, we decided to and ended up failing to pay a large sum of money. Reach sin of disbelief as his lifestyle told me otherwise.
Carla, my oldest daughter, was announced on Friday night with a girlfriend, their daughter, via Messeger and I saw with my own eyes, when she wrote him that they were in Las Terrenas, throughout the weekend long, from early in the morning and the whole family. I fell face down, as they say in novels.
I do not understand, I really do not understand !!!!!! This long weekend I stayed home, the girls shared with his father's family but I stayed vegetate, I did not leave until Sunday I went to dinner with my parents. And tell me pessimistic, negative, bad vibes, I have thoughts of lack, but hell !!!!!! I work from sunrise, I'm almost overnight, I have no frills or luxuries I, went to the beach once all summer, now I have no car, I have some financial difficulties but the truth. And these people, supposedly without money, there is the good life.
commented a few days ago with "R" that most of the people we see on the street, well mounted and well dressed, they succeed on the basis of trouble, but who cares, it seems that we all live and not wanting to be more "papita that the pope" my life has more or less peacefully. At the end of the day, when I was sleepless thinking how will the next day, not I have peace. Be as the scoundrel. Another
known, which was out of work, I called because I needed to move. She is another who goes to the nines, made up like a princess, dressed as a queen and a very good vehicle. I made some calls and got her a place to live, note that because I did not pay commission, good MMG, it is not cashed, my sister spoke with a friend and started a new job and I made the contract almost free today has not brought the wretched thousand dollars I asked for the office because surely "no." Those thousand pesos the collection, even if it costs you never lead me to speak. Is an abuser!!
To end the pig twisting the tail and my newly acquired little-patience was exhausted, my daughters tell me that my ex was wonderful to celebrate his 41st birthday in style. Definitely not how high, I do not know the details nor do I care if when I take in my hands the portfolio for which I lavish, high heels or those run you need to work closely I need my daughters, I a mental journey through the pantry of my house and ended up leaving them right where they were. I think of them first and if it is a treat that they prefer to do so, just ????, ?????, not unfair, that's me and I'm working on it, but it will be a topic for another post.
The question is to find with the above if you thought about that before spending what was going to spend, are current accounts is ????, the school day that gives me the week to feed her children?? Go figure, but from my humble position is simply baffling. It's a matter of pure logic and knowledge to establish priorities !!!!!
What to do?? I think it's best to be the most stupid of the account to deposit bobolongo take every confidence in you and take advantage, fuck fiao not pay, do not eat or sleep, but gusticos be large, perhaps so he can have the things I want . Maybe so has the portfolio of my dreams. Show me the money!!
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