"If you look around in his drawers, pockets, messages and phone calls, can not stand the fact of not knowing where all the time, it bothers you to enjoy their hobbies with friends and there is no reason for doing so, jealousy no longer healthy and have become an obsession that can seriously damage the relationship "
In this post I will use all my qualities of dramatic, and I do not like people jealous, I find it ridiculous, absurd, psychotic, sick. I am little jealous, perhaps is the fact that I never saw my mother fight with my father out of jealousy or maybe that I was born so, the fact is that I like to keep my space, let the other enjoy their own and try to take the party in peace, is, however, a many-sided issue that affects many people today.
candid assessments think it would be able to "baffle" to a lady who dares disrespect, but that was to seek, review, prohibit, no, not me. Jealousy is healthy to some extent an aphrodisiac ingredient in the relationship, pathological jealousy, however, are accompanied by feelings of insecurity, hostility and depression.
This hostility is rooted in the belief that sick person that if your partner leaves a "bad" deserving "punishment" of So even become violent. These women become extensions of their men, have low self-esteem so that they can not breathe without a partner, in its fall will bring their children and affect the entire social circle with their shows, dramas and absurd lack of respect for other's privacy.
In my career of studying law, including capital crimes, "Poisoning." This type of crime involves a lot of planning and composure, which is why it is associated, generally, crimes of passion committed by women. A woman jealous or spiteful act in a planned, so passionate, so Machiavellian, so destructive, it is capable of anything.
Lately I am applying to the facts of the baptized by my "Spring Effect" when something happens around me and I can use as an educational measure, driven by a jump as I feel my 3 daughters around me and speak clearly. Children, strengthening self-esteem is a magical ingredient to prevent future problems, when I see "S" in one of his fits of psychotic ground to tell girls that is not normal and that love, relationships of any kind and human beings in general are free beings who can not be required to maintain a relationship that does not work, to love someone so much less binding to suffer harassment of another who has never been able to establish rapport himself and makes life a dice. First of all we love and respect, given their value, all others will feel it.
But to conclude the matter, who wants to live in a relationship so troubled, fuck, including myself ....
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