Several times I've been criticized for not being grateful. I do not understand the importance of the word because when your facts show that you are. For me in particular is very difficult to me to say THANK YOU!! and the reason is that when I do I'm hoping that I thank him, I do because I want.
Regardless, I think that giving thanks is an act of respect for others and constantly ask my daughters to give thanks, even among themselves.
I start to remember facts and events of my life and I've never sat on a person to read a sermon because I once did something for her and I never said the famous word, but I'm happy for myself, knowing that I did not expect anything in return.
less than a month ago I received my new car. That day I cried like crazy because most did not expect or at least in those days, even in the most happiest days of my life, I could not give me more than to mourn, I never said THANKS. I imagine that my parents and my brother, who gave me the surprise, saw my face an incredible joy and deep appreciation for something that would be a huge blessing for me and my daughters. My car came in an unexpected way as it accounts for more than he drew was not doing so for myself, I really was a miracle and I can say without shame that I did not sleep the next 2 days because of the emotion. Incredibly
this event also brought grief, cried with sadness and regret for something that is definitely not in my hands to fix and against what I think and I do not want to fight, let him aside and move on. I am more than grateful to be able to do so after years of feeling bad and trying to seek the return. Almost 5 years
passing it ugly, over the years I've only had 2 cars which I had to almost give away by old and infirm, dreamed of turning on my car and not have to kick the accelerator to be turned, I dreamed of a car to be served the doors, glass, battery and not to leave me singing alone each time the radio decided not to get signal. I am happy and grateful that I can ride my fleas in and out aimlessly and without a time, I am happy and grateful because I can feel that things are getting better, I can feel, I am happy and grateful for the love they put into this gift .
And if I deserve it and I repeat, I accept. I accept that and everything else that comes to my life, everything I have and what I feel totally grateful. Who loves me not expect words, expected events, activities and see me happy. Who loves me and accepts me as I am aware that my heart is infinitely grateful. So be it!!
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