My friend told me on the last time you went to his mother's house. Arrived starving and went to search among pots and pans, his mother, who ate lunch alone, had cooked your meal.
- Mami, why this is so tasteless??
looked bitterly to his mother, the depression years had SOCAB not only your mind but your body, your face, your life.
- do not understand why you feel that you deserve so little?, Not when you started to believe you do not even deserve to eat well?, Do something nice to sit at the table, something with flavor. I would like you to see as I put my table! Why do you have such low self-esteem?.
The rest of the story involves tears and blame, not if the end was no reconciliation.
Everything in life is closely linked to what you think of yourself. Love, prosperity, health. I was pensive, so we really do not remember the ending of the story. My psychologist is a few months working on self-esteem, and there are still things that give me a lot of work to accept. I deserve, I deserve, so I began to say to myself.
is difficult but not impossible. Every day I have to repeat, I accept, I deserve. I agree, I deserve.
I was about to fall, I almost do not accept something he deserved, apparently still believing that they deserve. I agree, I deserve.
I'm not the victim, I am leading. I agree, I deserve.
deserve the best, deserve the best love, I must not settle for less. I agree, I deserve.
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