Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Intitle:network Camera

Albert Smith with Rolando Hanglin on Radio 10

The words of the Mayor's Party La Costa, when inaugurating the work of lighting the traditional and cultural center of La Costa with Marcelo Sosa (1) that November 21 of last year, were that the first weekend in February would be an event with "light on ".
Recall that the institution from its foundation has always had a generator powered by fuel-naphtha for electricity to be allowed a little light.
Last year, the mayor arranged the work in Energy of the Province, to take place until there is an extension of the mains from the city of Santa Teresita, a thousand meters. Today
to the field of rodeo fully lit, almost 3,000 people enjoyed the evening which was held yesterday, with minstrels and special performances by Bruno Arias, disclosure Cosquín 2011. Riders
renowned local and regional levels, made the country an evening show more for tourists who came there to enjoy a show, which is not common in the greater Buenos Aires area.
quake frame, gave the field roast the ribs were ready to be cooked on the grill of the barbecue buried near the hearth. There the peasants cut off the racks marked experts, for people to enjoy with your family for a good asado.
The cold, maybe not the best companion of the evening. But the dance group focused visitors to dance on the field of riders to be warming up.
The Mayor, who was in another engagement, he made time to get to the party. But his absence did not stop Juan Pablo de Jesus, fulfilled his promise a few months ago.
early people enjoyed the rodeo on a fully illuminated field, and this event raised expectations jacket for night events.
was a breakthrough for the institution to Santa Teresita and the management made by the Mayor with the clear intention to break the seasonality and increase tourism to rural spectrum throughout the year.
"Nearly 3,000 people came to this institution to enjoy an event that was first performed at the Centre Traditionalist," said Albert Smith, the itinerant singer and entertainer of the event. Who comes in managing the mayor and the region known in the art of Payar. Congratulations to the institution for joining and open doors to tourists and residents yesterday evening chose to be there.
(1) Control Officer Energy Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires


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