months ago I'm in the knowledge of the inner self, for months Evaluate for me the possibilities to change my life a little. I love me, me, me.
not how far I'm good because I love being alone. Going to the movies no one is for me a supreme pleasure, stay at home watching TV, or going to see stores with the simple company of my thoughts is common in me. I also love being with my daughters, spending time with them, spend time, create memories, seeking adventure. In conclusion, I fear I'm available for anything more. Seeking
between my neurons sexual type of man I would like and filled my requirements almost impossible, I look between the spelling of his texts, hair, voice, legs, In short, defects after defects.
It gets worse!! I look between my neurons sexual men like me and all have a common factor, are married. So far none have come across with more than a few words or greetings and, in principle, it will not be there. Men are unrelated.
real truth and all this is that my thoughts show that I am not available yet, I have not healed, I am not so tolerant, I did not love. I have a boycott of my love life and put my heels when I feel that someone wants to break down my barriers. Bad or good?, I'm still in the same place years ago? No, but apparently did not want to find out, at this stage of my life Men are sexually pure and simple tools, no more want it to be so it is. I do not want to see them as a walking penis but time it's that simple.
Needless to say, better not say anything.
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