I'm already feeling strange, my visits to the psychologist are a thing of the past but it seems I gave a double dose Tranquilina whose effects last and it did not explode as quickly as they once did. Sometimes I am thinking about the answer I should give a stupid or malicious comments, most of cocotazos because I definitely be passive and submissive that far from what it once was.
Here are some examples of what should be my answer to ME. I know you, my fans, they are found entirely outside the usual tone of my blog, and that kindness and diplomacy came into my life at a surprising rate, apparently to stay.
COMMENT: "She likes little men"
replied: "Well you married to a brute, then that means that gross you like??"
COMMENT: "The Single women are always boring because they are failures "
replied," I shaved every time I want and I have to endure this shit for a Guevara
COMMENT: "I do not know you had a protective order / restraining against your REPLICA
????" former husband: "Of course nobody told you, if you're just like and do not believe anything you tell him"
COMMENT: "I would not go along with poplars and those sites "
Replica:" Ahhh! but your not you've seen it. Since when you're name Viccini
COMMENT: "I do not let a man talk to me so"
REPLICA: "Get a napkin to wipe your mouth "Slug!!
COMMENT:" I am very happy in my marriage "
REPLICA:" Of course if you note "(sarcastic smile)
COMMENT:" I quit drinking and drugs left "
REPLICA: "From today?? because last night they were not talking "
COMMENT:" I do not give importance to material things "
COMMENT:" I do not know why you were leaving your ex's abuse, I'll stick it prisoner! "
dumb comments that merit are those that I think are not worth answering without considering the consequences and be willing to clean traces of blood to stop the fighting, I think I should find a middle ground between decency and stupidity, because in the end and I feel myself as hands and feet tied and with a rag stuffed in her mouth. No offense to anyone not want to stay quiet, that choice!!
For male issues and responses to such abuse, it will be a topic for another post.
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