Paty Manterola Encuerada
The new pedestrian Santa Teresita pays off Peronist
Councilman Front for Victory, the Partido de La Costa Alberto Smith, in the act by the day of the militant was held yesterday in Santa Teresita, was the central speaker who spoke before of Mayor Juan Pablo de Jesus and Rep. John of Jesus and said
"dated November 17, recalls historical Peronism Perón's return to the homeland

at 72, after 18 long years in exile.
But this November 17
is different from others, as recently gave us our current driver, Nestor Kirchner and caused us pain and sorrow ...
pain that becomes active commitment. very strong words and much meaning!
Today is a different time of militancy, but has the same meaning and guidelines that was back in '72. This meaning is conveyed by word of mouth, helped to keep alive the Peronism as we did today.
The "Fight and Back
became "struggles and transformations of reality."
What is being a member today?

is being with people with whom have the least, with which you need a hand. Is to show solidarity with peers, with laburantes.
is working with the institutions, to hear what happens on the street. It help our mayor, to disseminate the works of government, is to put the chest with adversity. It help us all live a little better.
why this time of militancy, in essence, is the same in those years, but different from both those who live the reality in a day. Perón gave us a movement, so that the militant never stops. And while on the road have been many, conviction and strength put into every action, there is the same as always.
No wonder, we should not find anything that was not there, you just have to feel like the constant beat that hits a patch of the drums. 
Like yesterday when Perón was given the leather to return Nov. 17 that 38 years ago, today we have to give the leather to commit to an idea, a project of transformation, a way of thinking life that ultimately means to transcend. At the end of the militancy that is dug. Fight, and fight back and not ever stop.
Today I want to ask permission to express a feeling not to know. I ask permission from men and women with a history within Peronism, to provide the movement will continue to seek a balance of equality,
between those most and least are so often badly expressed those above and those below, the true values \u200b\u200bare human values, ethics , morality, loyalty.
Today we are facing a management with excessive displays of actions, in this young man who feels, suffers and breathes Peronism. A government works, including, in the face of people. With a strong commitment to education, thinking in schools and universities.
Permission to embody the young of fowls, the citizen of choripan, the neighbor who builds a meeting, attending partner a basic unit, the partner whose experience allows us to advise us and embrace the flag that Perón and Evita left us.
Permit, heart, transparency, loyalty. No gimmicks, no costume wolf in sheep's clothing, or traitors. False modesty is the latest refinement of vanity and our people do not need false advocacy that militate for money, but officials with sensitivity and wisdom to present a scenario of progress for all. May the driving experience and Juan and the strategy and humility of John Paul become flesh in each of those responsible for building more and more Peronism in
La Costa.
At the same event, Deputy Provincial Juan de Jesus said: "Alberto ... you do not need military permission to Peronism"
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