Thursday, September 16, 2010

Specialized Cross Roads

Reminder: Night of the Pencils

On Thursday, they reached the remains of Lt. Costa Mariano Forgit, a native of Mar de Ajo. Young man who died in a plane crash while conducting ordered for the Air Force Argentina. (Note and pictures of Ariel Trevi AFnotinet)

The young Air Force Argentina, Mariano Forgit died before yesterday in the near Reconquista-Santa Fe-, while on military duty aboard a Pucara.

After the 13 IA 58 plane crashed in proximity of the site "The Lolas" north of the province of Santa Fe. The main causes of the accident are undergoing investigation by the Air Accident Investigation Board.

Different means different versions commented area, said the pilot had died
falling on power lines, while a digital newspaper said the pilot could not straighten the plane coming at low altitude and the cabin down, so did the ejected into the ground. Some inhabitants of the place were off the plane at pilot and told of the accident.

Yesterday around noon, family and friends waiting at the Municipal Airfield "Jorge Newbery" Santa Teresita, the Air Force plane that brought the remains of Lt. Mariano Forgit, a native of Mar de Ajo, young 29-year assignments met by force in the Third Brigade Air Reconquista.

Macaya Brigadier Force expressed regret that all this tragedy, and that the pilot had
displayed a excellent preparation and good fellowship, which was in Reconquista when they went to fire the pilot.
Family, friends and fellow Air Force offered to go with Mariano to the room wakes de Mar de Ajo, forming two columns down the coffin wrapped in a flag Argentina, the plane that brought to the place of origin.
Friends Mariano commented that, from very small and thought to be on top of an airplane, from 7 years. Vilma and Ricardo parents traveled with him from Recunonquista to the Coast.
Officials municipal utilities, the delegate of Mar de Ajo and Councilman Albert Smith were present to accompany the family of Lt. Mariano Forgit, 29, Air Force pilot Argentina.


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